Felix Handler

OKR- & Agile Coach & Facilitator

Passionate about a better society

“If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work, and give orders.
Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea.”

― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


Event Organization, OKRs, Inspiration & Passion

my CV


1 year of OKR Learnings

OKR Remote Review

Appearance on Scrum Master Podcast (2018)

Gradwandler Podcast (German)

Cross-Company Barcamp

Department OKR Event

12min.me Events

About me

Focus, purpose and fun

Vision / Why?

Imagine a world where we treat each other with respect, help each other grow and people actually like their job. Where we leave it a better place for our children. This is what I am passionate about and strive for.

Mission / What?

To achieve this vision I support people, systems and organisations which foster learning and personal growth and want to create a positive impact.
Personally I orient myself on ecological sustainability, protection of private data (since it is a requirement for democracy) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Methods / How?

As an Agile Coach I work on team dynamics, OKRs and change facilitation. I am also passionate about event organisation on any scale. I strive for impact, pragmatism and compassion.


For a more detailed view please have a look at my >CV<.


If you are interested to get in touch - let us talk! You choose the time! :)

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Feel free to also contact me via the social media channels provided.